How to Apply for a Place
Stage 1 – Initial enquiry
If you would like to enquire regarding a place for your child at HSW in Year 5 to Year 11 or our 6th Form please click here to complete our online enquiry form to ensure that we have the correct details regarding your child.
Stage 2 - Attend an Open Day or take a Tour of the School
We recommend that you visit the school with your child for either an Open Day or a Sixth Form Open Day or an individual tour with our Headmaster which can be arranged with our Registrar:
Stage 3 - Complete registration process
Once you have visited the school we hope that you would like your child to attend one of our Taster Days. For Year 7 entry these are on set days in either November or January (if required). For other year groups they will be ad hoc depending on timing of enquiry.
You will be contacted to book your Taster Day after visit and at this stage you must complete the registration process by paying the required registration fee £174 (£258 for overseas pupils). Please ensure you use your childs’ firstnamesurnameyearofentry as reference. (EG JimmySmithY7). Once payment is received (assuming we already have your child's details from the Enquiry form referred to above, we will confirm your slot on a Taster Day.
School Bank Details:
Barclays Bank PLC
Account Name: Chatsworth Schools (HSW) Ltd
Sort Code: 20_90_74 Account No: 13145220
IBAN: GB94 BUKB 2090 7413 1452 20 SWIFT/BIC: BUKBGB22
Stage 4 – Assessment / Interview / References
An assessment is not required for pupils transferring from Year 6 in the Junior School to the Senior School. The same applies for our Year 11 pupils wishing to transfer from Year 11 in the Senior School to the Sixth Form.
Hall School Wimbledon does not have an 11+ examination. A taster day will be offered to all registered pupils in November and in January of the academic year prior to joining.
A 20 minute interview with the Headmaster will follow the taster day and forms an integral part of our admissions process. It is an opportunity for the children to share their interests and abilities.
Confidential references and reports will be sought from the Head of the child’s current school. Any Special Educational Needs must be disclosed.
Stage 5 - Offer
Offers of places will be sent in a formal letter with a deadline for acceptance. A place will only be confirmed on receipt of the acceptance form and deposit (£3,250). The deposit is held in full, until the pupil leaves the school, when it will be refunded according to the school’s terms and conditions. Please note that the deposit is not refundable in the event of a pupil not joining the school, having accepted a place.
The application process is the same. However, we are used to liaising with parents, pupils and their schools, all over the world. Offers are dependant on the applicant having the right to study in the UK. For children unable to visit the school and experience a taster day, we will request references and reports from their current school. We will also require these children to sit an English and Mathematics assessment – this can be completed at their current school. An interview can also be arranged remotely.