Safeguarding, Pastoral Care and Wellbeing
We offer our happy children a caring, nurturing pastoral system.
Your child’s wellbeing is central to their academic and creative growth. Every pupil at Hall School Wimbledon has a Form Tutor and a Key Stage Lead whom they can confide in and who oversees their academic, moral and pastoral progress. Our Key Stage Leads work closely alongside our Deputy Head Pastoral.
Our approach recognises each pupil’s unique qualities and provides them with the specific care, attention and support they require at each stage of their school life. Ultimately, when pupils leave Hall School Wimbledon, they are emotionally and socially mature, ready to join the community.
We have a dedicated Mental Health and Wellbeing Team supporting students to promote positive mental health and wellbeing within our school community.
Through our curriculum we teach the students about personal safety, and how to keep them safe from harm.
There is a strong anti-bullying ethos evident throughout the school. We teach our students how to recognise bullying, how to keep themselves safe from unkind behaviour and how to report it.
Our PSHE curriculum includes opportunities to discuss feelings and emotions, and helps our students to think about their own personal safety and their rights as individuals to be kept safe from harm. We teach our students about the uses and misuses of drugs at an age-appropriate time and level. Our RSE programme teaches our students about keeping themselves safe from harm at an age-appropriate level. We have clear guidance to help students to use the internet (including social media) safely.
Our policies and agreed practices for child protection, health and safety, behaviour management, attendance and looked after students all comply with the recommendations for safeguarding students at school. We have trained Designated Safeguarding Staff (DSL and DDSL) who work together with a designated governor with responsibility for child protection practices at the school. We have policies to manage potential allegations against staff, whistle-blowing and the use of physical intervention. Our staff recruitment policies and practices are rigorous and comply with safer recruitment and selection requirements. We always pursue identity checks and qualification checks and we take up and scrutinise written references before confirming employment.
All staff receive regular Safeguarding training and maintain the highest level of safeguarding practice.
All concerns are passed through the members of staff who are trained as Designated Safeguarding Leads in school in compliance with the sharing of information guidance.

Mr J Tyson, Designated Safeguarding Lead

Miss R Smith, DDSL

Mr P Dockery, DDSL

Ms G Prestifilippo, DDSL