Oberon Fields
Part of HSW, Oberon Fields is a nine acre site providing a beautiful, refurbished pavilion and extensive playing fields at Lindisfarne, Wimbledon, SW20 ONQ. In addition to Sports Day, most of the school’s sporting activities such as football, cricket, rugby, athletics, rounders and soft ball take place on the site.
The Oberon Fields and Pavilion have been redeveloped to become a hub for curriculum enrichment, with teaching spaces for outdoor learning, performing arts and cookery as well as refurbished changing rooms for boys and girls. Phase Two will constitute the refurbishment of the tennis court, to include a new multi-use sporting facility and Phase Three will involve the creation of allotment areas and orchards for growing and gardening projects as well as a 'forest trail'.
This facility has been opened to the pupils of HSW since September 2020.