Lights Out: How the Vietnam War affected one Hall School Wimbledon Family

A former pupil, Charlie N. (Year 11 2018-19) and his mother are the subject of a 30 minute Radio 4 documentary that will be broadcast on Monday 23rd March at 11pm called ‘Lights Out’. Thankfully it will not be necessary to stay up so late on a school night because it will also be available as a podcast to download. It also cannot be used as an excuse for not completing homework!
Their episode charts how the Vietnam War has affected their family and explores the ripple effect through time, beginning with the bomb that killed Charlie’s grandfather on 1st April 1966 and arriving in the present moment via a journey of discovery to the Vietnam War memorial in Washington D.C.
Charlie studied the Vietnam War for his IGCSE at Hall School Wimbledon and is continuing to develop his understanding of this fascinating period of American history at A Level. This is a very interesting and personal story and comes highly recommended.
You should listen out for a special guest appearance from the school’s very own, Mr M. as he discusses what the Vietnam War means to Charlie.