Launching of HSW Sixth Form in September 2020
27th May 2020
Oberon Playing Fields and Pavilion
17th June 2020Back to School- Junior Section

We were happy to welcome back Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 pupils at the Junior School on 1st June. The classrooms were set up to allow for maximum social distancing and to create larger teaching spaces.
Year groups were divided into ‘bubbles’ and the school premises were divided appropriately for each group alongside staggered breaks and lunches to minimise contact between the pupils. There were different drop-off and pick up time for each ‘bubble’ to minimise contact.
‘Pupils were all smiles again as they returned to school and they began exploring their new classroom- the ‘bubble’, ‘ Miss Lisa
According to Thomas, the change has been rather exciting. ‘I love coronavirus school better than normal school.’