Head’s Blog – 5th Nov
5th November 2021
Head’s Blog- 19th Nov
19th November 2021It’s Panto Season in 7A

This half term, 7A pupils are donning costumes and wigs and putting on their very best voices to perform three pantomimes in their English lessons. This has presented them with a fun learning opportunity, giving them opportunities to be creative and to express themselves in a safe environment. The pupils performed Red Riding Hood, Dick Whittington and Jack and the Beanstalk. They practised confidently reading out loud, analysing language in the script and considering the tone and its effects on the audience.
It is a pleasure to witness their confidence grow with each lesson as they read out loud with enthusiastic gusto. Ibrahim in particular has been in spectacular form in his performance as the Giant. There is so much enthusiasm amongst the children with good-natured laughter and positivity a constant presence between them. They deserve so much praise for fostering a safe environment in which they can all thrive together. It has certainly brought Mrs Grossmann and I some Christmas joy as we head into December.