Head’s Blog – 3rd Dec
3rd December 2021
Head’s Blog 10th Dec
10th December 2021Y1/2 visit to our local natural oasis

What do our school grounds, a pond, and an ocean have in common? That was the big question our junior scientists set out to answer earlier this week. If you ask them today, they will undoubtedly tell you that they are all habitats. Away from their everyday urban habitat, the Year 1/2 class spent an exciting afternoon of discovery at Queensmere Pond, deep within Wimbledon Common’s woodlands. With magnifying glasses in hand, the children explored the woodland’s amazing microhabitats. Shrieks of jubilation (and the odd squeal of fear) were heard as they unearthed nature's hidden treasures living inside rotting wood, beneath fallen leaves, within tree hollows, and under rocks:
“Quick, look everybody. There are jumping bugs everywhere.”
“Wow, there's a plant living in there.” “It’s a mushroom.”
“Ooh, yuk. There's a black slug under our log.”