Junior School visits Roald Dahl Museum
19th September 2022A very special commemorative tribute to Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II from Anita Gleave, CEO, Chatsworth Schools
19th September 2022Head’s blog – 16th September

We have had a very productive first full-week back at school. My goodness, we have hit the ground running: lots of trips up to Oberon; a Juniors trip to the Roald Dahl Museum in Aylesbury; a Seniors trip to see a Shakespeare play in London; a football tournament attended; several Head of Year welcome meetings; and the happy return of our extensive after-school clubs programme, which included some new ones such as Mandarin Club, and Chess & Board Games Club.
Perhaps most impressive of all this week, has been the publication of our Year 7 pupils’ personal diaries in which they have reflected on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. I hope you can find time to read these personal reflections – they are superbly written and very moving. Her Majesty was our children’s Queen too, and this is their moment in history, their future; so we are proud of how they have marked this occasion. I am very proud, not only of the time and effort our pupils have invested in this project, but also for the respect they have shown in their thoughtful and eloquent prose.
My thanks to Mr Ward-Thomas and Mr Hunt for supporting the pupils on this great project, and to Ms Nalini for her digital skills in presenting them so beautifully.
You can read them here.
With best wishes for the weekend.
A J Hammond