Week 10th – 14th October
15th October 2022
Week 31st October to 4th November
5th November 2022Head’s blog – 4th November

We hosted another successful parents’ evening last night and I was struck by the richness of conversation around the tables. Being able to do this in person again makes such a tangible difference to the efficacy of our communications with each other. Our teachers really appreciate seeing you.
But I was also struck by the absolute dedication and determination from our parents and carers to make sure their children are learning and developing and flourishing.
It is easy to use this weekly message to talk mostly about the children, and rightly so. But the occasional shout-out to our parents is merited. No one writes a manual for parenting; at least, if they do, it rarely matches the reality. We invest so much in our children’s wellbeing. We want more than anything for them to be happy in their own skin, self-confident and self-disciplined. When they are troubled, their troubles are magnified for us and they influence all that we think and do, perhaps long after the melancholic moments have passed for the children. Such is the role of a parent – to perpetually worry!
Have a great weekend together.
A J Hammond