Halloween at the Junior School
5th November 2022
Week 14th – 18th November
22nd November 2022Head’s blog – 18th November

Well, the weather has truly given us some surprises this week. In downpours, I have been without my umbrella and sported a rain-soaked suit like Gene Kelly’s, while on sunny days I have come with raincoat, boots and brolly, like the only person in fancy dress pitching up at a party. Weather is a fickle friend, but it hasn’t dampened our spirits; I stand on the gate every morning and still see smiling faces, rain or shine.
A shout-out to our Year 11 students today, for their tremendous efforts in their GCSE mocks this week. Not only have they revised diligently and worked studiously each day, they have presented exemplary behaviour throughout, acting as role models to their fellow students. Thus we begin again the climb to the summer summit, always mindful of how our self-worth impacts so significantly on our working rhythms and ultimate outcomes. Self-discipline can elude us without the self-worth that tells us it is worth trying in the first place. The work rate of our Year 11 students suggests to me they have belief in their own abilities, and that, in the end, is what we are all here for.
As Henry Ford famously said, whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.
A J Hammond