Head’s blog – 2nd December

Head’s blog – 2nd December

I have been engaging in one of my favourite activities this afternoon – walking around the classes, surprising students with a Headmaster’s commendation. These handwritten cards are individually addressed to students who have recently demonstrated one or more of our core values. When such positive behaviour is noticed by colleagues, they email me a nomination and I write out a card for each nominee. After we have celebrated this achievement in class with the recipients, I display their cards in a glass cabinet outside our dining hall. At the end of term these will come home.

Such a bespoke system of praise and reward may seem small, but to each recipient it is a valuable moment when they feel recognised and celebrated for their own individual efforts and attitude.
This term, I have given out many cards to children, celebrating how they have embodied our values and made a significant contribution to our culture. From fellowship and self-worth to curiosity and innovation, I am determined to ensure that what we say we value on our website and in our prospectus, matches the reality every day, and that these core values are lifted from the page and lived. Well done to those cultural ambassadors whose names adorn the display cabinet right now. You are setting a fine example to others, and we are proud of you for helping to make our school what it is.
Have a good weekend all.


A J Hammond

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