Head’s blog – 9th December

My congratulations and gratitude to Frau Jaax, Miss Ofori and Mr Bamgbaiye for running a tremendously successful overseas trip for our GCSE German students. It is so wonderful to see these trips happening again after the disruption of lockdown. I hear from my colleagues that everywhere they went they were complimented on our students’ impeccable behaviour and manners. This is what we want to see! Thank you, Frau Jaax, for all the time and effort spent in ensuring this trip was safe, educational and inspiring.
Last week saw our Year 11 Geographers enjoying a residential field trip to Suffolk, where they stayed in Constable country – literally sleeping in the same house that features in his famous painting, The Hay Wain. They spent several days studying the local rivers and features, putting their impressive academic and research skills into practice in the field. I was fortunate enough to accompany the trip and was so impressed by their behaviour and manners. Thank you to Mrs Young for putting the whole trip together and to Mr Dockery for helping to lead it.
And as if these trips weren’t enough for one week… Mr Ward-Thomas and Miss Beere led a very successful trip to the Imperial War Museum yesterday, which by all accounts was fascinating and very much enjoyed by our young historians.
In addition to all her preparations for our Nativity today and our glorious Christmas Carol Concert next Tuesday evening, Miss Lush still managed to find time to organise two evening trips to see The Nutcracker ballet at the Royal Opera House this week with our lucky Year 7s.
Again, I have since been told that many passers-by, both during the journey and within the theatre, all complimented the group on their impeccable behaviour and manners.
Next Monday sees our inaugural PIN Day (Pupil Innovation & Nurture Day). Devised and organised by our own Mr Bamgbaiye, this is a time when we come off curriculum and launch into a myriad different activities and challenges run by our staff, all designed to develop innovation and fellowship – two very important values for us. I have seen the list of unique activities planned and it looks stunning, a testament to our teachers’ resilience and commitment to keep going the extra mile until the end of term. Thank you!
A J Hammond