Head’s blog – 17th November

Head’s blog – 10th November
10th November 2023
Head’s blog – 24th November
28th November 2023
Head’s blog – 10th November
10th November 2023
Head’s blog – 24th November
28th November 2023

Head’s blog – 17th November

Well, we have battled some wet weather and strong winds but still our students have entered the site each morning with a smile. Watching the traffic on The Downs every morning, from my vantage point on the gate, I am acutely aware of the efforts everyone in our community goes to just to get here. I want to pay tribute to all our parents and guardians, who chivvy and chase their loved ones out of bed every morning, get them ready, into the car or to the station, so that they can be here on time. It is no easy task in South West London, and especially with the dark mornings and evenings. Thank you to the staff too, who arrive early and stay late, never seeing daylight, other than if they are on break duty!

We had the first of our Y7 Taster Days this week. Seventeen eager Year 6 pupils spent the day with us and, having spent much time with them, I can tell you they were an absolute delight. We have the second Taster Day on the 29th, and another sixteen pupils coming. We will hold a third day in early January, due to the high demand for places at HSW.

But rest assured, more pupils need not equate to bigger classes. Our commitment to small classes continues, as proven by our move from two-form entry to three-form in Y7 and Y8 this year, thus keeping class sizes down so that we can deliver our tailored approach. Knowing our students well is our modus operandi, and we have no plans to change that!

Have a good weekend everyone.