Head’s blog – 19th January
19th January 2024
Head’s blog – 2nd February
2nd February 2024Head’s blog – 26th January

It has been an unforgettable week for many of our senior pupils, who jetted off to Iceland on Monday morning for a five-day residential field trip, studying the magnificent landscape and geological features of this unique place. From the pictures below, it looks like a truly memorable trip, and one that will surely inform their GCSE and A Level studies. I am very grateful to Savarna Burrows, our wonderful new Head of Geography, who put in so many hours of planning and risk assessing in the run up to this international trip, and to my colleagues Jack Tyson, Safiyya Beere and John Fielder, who accompanied Ms Burrows and the pupils to the land of ice.
Well done to our U14 Netball team this week! Despite being a player down, you defeated Ewell Castle School in an epic 13-12 clash. This is what we want to hear! Well done team, we are all so very proud of you.
Have a good weekend everyone.