Head’s blog – 10th May

Head’s blog – 3rd May
10th May 2024
Head’s blog – 24th May
3rd June 2024
Head’s blog – 3rd May
10th May 2024
Head’s blog – 24th May
3rd June 2024

Head’s blog – 10th May

Congratulations this week to our Y10 students who have recently completed the expedition element of the Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award. These activities are so very good for us, bringing teamwork, resilience, resourcefulness and stamina, not to mention physical strength and fitness. Such skills and qualities are essential components in the students’ toolkit for life. We are proud of them all.
The weather this week has steadily improved and we have been treated to some very sunny weather today. Extra special credit therefore must go to our Y11 students who, despite the sunshine outside, have been sitting in examination rooms, tackling GCSE papers. These are important exams and tension will be running high, but, as I walk around the school everyday, I am struck by how HSW students take everything in their stride, they really do. I am so impressed by their stoicism and quiet confidence. Good luck to everyone for this examination period.
I was taking a PSHE class the other day, on ‘What makes a good friend?’. I was so impressed by the thoughtful responses shared in class. As I looked around, I noticed how well the children were working together in groups, supporting each other, listening to others’ ideas and combining their skills to put together presentations on the theme. Such collaboration doesn’t happen by accident; this only happens when the children feel comfortable and confident, safe in the knowledge that HSW is a place where they can be themselves and build friendships that will last a lifetime.
Another tool added to their toolkit for life: friendliness.
May I wish you a very pleasant weekend of sunshine.