Head’s blog – 24th May

Head’s blog – 10th May
10th May 2024
Head’s blog – 7th June
7th June 2024
Head’s blog – 10th May
10th May 2024
Head’s blog – 7th June
7th June 2024

Head’s blog – 24th May

There have been so many highlights this week, it is difficult to know where to begin! When you read the following pages you will see so much activity going on – all memorable experiences that educate, inspire, motivate and excite. Who said school was boring? The lifelong lessons picked up by our students this week – whether on the stage, in the audience, on the sports pitch or in the classroom, will be remembered long after they leave school. The weather has been kind just when it needed to be and we have been blessed with a truly invigorating end of half term.

A special shout out to Mr Tim Spoerer for his determination, organisational skills and sheer passion in staging our inaugural House Music Competition held al fresco this afternoon. What an event! With help from the multi-talented and ever-present Mrs Ria Blees, Tim provided the most wonderful opportunity for so many children to showcase their talents in front of a live audience. Events like these reveal what our school is truly about: inclusion, opportunity, talent and togetherness. This week we have shown these qualities in abundance and I am immensely proud of the trajectory we are now on. With such talented students and collaborative hard-working staff, the future looks bright indeed for HSW.

Have a lovely half-term break everyone, before we all return safely for the best few weeks of the school year, packed with sports, educational trips, activities and, of course, some excellent teaching and learning!