Head’s blog – 6th September

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15th July 2024
Head’s blog – 13th September
13th September 2024
Head’s blog – 15th July
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Head’s blog – 13th September
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Head’s blog – 6th September

Every year I begin by saying it has been an excellent return to school, but my goodness Wednesday was a splendid day. Standing on the gate with the senior leadership team, I was privileged to see so many smiling faces, friends reuniting, new joiners warmly welcomed, parents catching up, sartorial sixth-formers looking older, colleagues looking refreshed and so many sleepy but happy children. Polished shoes and bed-hair, a popular combo for day one.

There has been a motivating and optimistic buzz about the place all week. My deputies and I have been walking the corridors and dropping into lessons and we have seen some excellent teaching and some engaged and enthusiastic learning. At break times we have witnessed friendships being forged and respect being shown.

Every term is a voyage of discovery that requires a steep and rapid launch, and we are certainly on our way. Smooth and efficient returns to school don’t happen by accident; they are the culmination of weeks of meticulous planning and preparation, and heroic efforts from parents to encourage / entice / order their children out of bed and into uniform. In our welcome-back assembly I asked, ‘Has anyone brought their body to school and left their brain in bed?’ The majority of us raised our hands. We are all in the same boat here, but there is no question that this vessel is sailing at full strength now.

May I wish everyone a restful weekend before we go again on Monday.