Head’s blog – 18th October

Head’s blog – 11th October
11th October 2024
Head’s blog – 11th October
11th October 2024

Head’s blog – 18th October

Well, what a busy half term it has been. Our students and staff have given it everything and now they deserve a rest. Whether it has been through sport, the arts, academic lessons or after-school clubs and trips, there have been so many opportunities this term for the students to show us what they’re made of and rise to the challenge. And haven’t they responded well! Their talents know no bounds and their enthusiasm for taking on new challenges has been remarkable.

But, as I said in our celebration assembly this morning, it is not only their successes that fill me with pride; it is their kindness too. HSW students look after their own! Time and time again I see children showing consideration and empathy for one another – at break times, in lessons and in after-school clubs. A kind gesture here, a thoughtful comment there – they really do look out for each other and that is surely the most important life skill of all: showing kindness to others. Many schools talk of independence, and though this is important, for me it is in our interdependence that we excel; and, in this, the Hall’s culture sets a fine example to other organisations. We work together here and the result is a team of children and young people greater, stronger and happier than they would otherwise be. What a remarkable community this is.

May I wish you a lovely half-term break with your families before we meet on 4th November and ‘go again’.