Head’s blog –10th February
23rd March 2023Head’s blog –3rd March
23rd March 2023Head’s blog –24th February
Today we raised money for the people of Turkey and Syria who have been caught up in the most terrible earthquakes. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families who are suffering grief and displacement – and to those students and families in our own community who have been affected by this natural disaster.
Today is the solemn anniversary of the war in Ukraine. So many people have lost their lives in this conflict and many more families have been displaced. Our hearts go out to all those in our school and beyond who have been so terribly affected by this war. We are thinking of you today especially. I hope that as we continue to read headlines from around the world that shock and upset us, we are able to reflect on the kindness and love we benefit from everyday in our lives. May we cherish the families and friendships we have, and continue to support our culture of kindness and consideration for others. I hope you enjoy a peaceful weekend with your families and I look forward very much to seeing you again next week, when, as I often say, the days will be getting longer and the weather will be slowly, steadily, improving.
A J Hammond