Termly Fees

Tuition Fees
Year 5£6,360
Year 6£6,360
Year 7£7,160
Year 8£7,360
Year 9£7,360
Year 10£7,360
Year 11£7,360
Year 12£7,360
Year 13£7,360
Registration Fees & Deposits
Registration fee£145 (one-off fee)
Registration fee Overseas students£215 (one-off fee)
Deposit (Refundable when student leaves)£3,250
EAL£25 per 45-min period
Bus Services£15 per day
Bus Services£16 per day (ad hoc bookings)

There are three terms per academic year. Fees include all tuition, textbooks and exercise books, and school lunches.

Extra charges apply for some clubs, external examinations, additional one-to-one lessons (e.g. music lessons, EAL and learning support). The school subsidises the cost of school trips, but parents may be requested to make an additional contribution for some trips: you will be notified in advance if this is the case.

These fees will be reviewed annually.

HSW Fees- Terms and Conditions

Fees In Advance Scheme

Please find below some information regarding the Fees In Advance Scheme offered by the School.