The study of English equips each pupil with lifelong skills that encourage a passion for reading, an appreciation of literature and language and the ability to communicate effectively through both the written and spoken word. We promote the importance of English in relation to all subjects and that excellence in English is essential to success. As the children move through the Preparatory Years they will develop their skills in five key areas: reading, creative writing, grammar, comprehension and speaking and listening. English is taught daily in all year groups. We want the children to be confident and engaging speakers, to use language imaginatively and accurately and to read from a wide range of both fiction and non-fiction titles with growing independence. Staff have a huge resource of English textbooks from which to draw. Of course, English studies are not confined to the classroom. We organise theatre trips, visiting speakers, authors and performers. Children are encouraged to share their writing with an audience, often entering their written work in national and local competitions and creating and performing stories for other children in the school.