
Year 7, 8 & 9 Music

During years 7, 8 and 9 pupils have two Music lessons a week. The programme of study is based around practical activities, which include composing, listening and performing Music and cover a wide range of topics, for example the Blues, Baroque Music, Film Music and Music in the Media. Pupils develop their skills playing keyboards, ukuleles, guitar and singing and are encouraged to use their own instruments for any practical tasks. There is the opportunity for composition work from year 7 to year 11 on Apple Mac computers which have music software. 

The Music department organises visits to concerts regularly, in particular, the Wimbledon International Music Festival in November. Cross-curricular activities include Brazil Day which includes Samba drumming and making carnival masks.


At GCSE level the Music specification is made up of three key areas: Performing (30%), Composing (30%) and a Listening and appraising examination (40%).  There is instrumental and vocal tuition available to all pupils from our visiting instrumental teachers and GCSE music pupils are expected to play a leading role in music enrichment activities.

Enrichment Activities

There is a very strong tradition of high quality extra-curricular music-making. Our choirs and ensembles meet regularly and work towards regular concerts, the carol service and other performance opportunities. We expect those pupils receiving instrumental or vocal tuition to play an active role in the musical life of the school by joining a relevant ensemble. The music department currently runs Choir, Jazz band, Orchestra and Music Academy during enrichment on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Instrumental & Vocal Tuition

We have a dedicated team of visiting instrumental and vocal staff. Tuition is provided on a whole range of instruments; flute, saxophone, clarinet, strings, piano, guitar, drums and voice.

Pupils work towards both The Associated Board of the Royal School of Music, theory and practical music examinations, Grades from 1 to 8, as well as Trinity Rock School and Music Theatre exams.

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