HSW Eco Team’s Wisley Christmas Tree
11th December 2018
Major plans for Oberon Fields
18th January 2019Reindeer at HSW hit the Wimbledon headlines

The excitement of live reindeer visiting HSW Junior School hit the headlines in Wimbledon. Wimbledon Times reporter Riley Krause covered the visit:
Children at a Wimbledon school were treated to a touch of Christmas recently when they got up close and personal with a group of live reindeer.
Hall School Wimbledon surprised its students with a visit of three of Santa’s helpers to the playground to celebrate the performance of their nativity play and the opening of its new library.
Staff have been working hard to develop a new primary-specialised library for children aged 5 to 11, which was unveiled to pupils in a grand opening by producer of the award-winning political comedy series “Veep”, Georgia Pritchett.
At the ribbon cutting Georgia said she was “honoured and thrilled to open the wonderful new library at HSW.
“It’s an absolutely fabulous space, all thanks to Miss Partington and the other staff who worked so hard to make it happen.
“A library is really a room full of adventures and it’s so exciting to see the shelves so full of these wonderful books which are so full of such wonderful stories. But it’s even more exciting to see all these readers here – readers who are potential story tellers themselves.
“Every single pupil here has hundreds of stories to tell – and only you can tell your stories in your own unique way. So I would encourage everyone here to use this space not just to read but to write as well. And maybe one day these shelves will be full of books by you.”
Georgia was also kind enough to donate signed copies of her own children’s books, much to the delight of Eddie in Year 5 who gave a vote of thanks on behalf of all the pupils.
Head of Hall School Wimbledon, Graeme Delaney, said: “It is so important that children develop the habit of reading, as this provides one of the most important foundations for future success.
“I am grateful to the staff and parents who have worked so hard to ensure the children have access to captivating stories and useful reference books.
“Libraries today can still offer magical adventures to children as well as being a useful resource for learning.”