Head’s Blog 10th Dec

Head’s Blog 10th Dec

It has been a pleasure to meet many families this week, both at the Head’s Talks I have been running recently and at the marvellous Christmas Carol Service on Monday. Thank you very much for your
welcomes and good wishes.

And didn’t our students sing well in church? Their musicality shone through – with their harmonies, clear articulation and rhythm, they really put on a wonderful choral performance and my thanks go out to Mrs Page and Mr Pendrous for their hard work and support in prepping the children for the songs. Thanks also to Miss Lim for her beautiful violin playing, and to Miss Partington too, for supporting all the readers so brilliantly. It was lovely for us to see Reverend Bruce Rickards again too!

I was lucky enough to attend two more enjoyable events this morning: a celebration assembly with our juniors and seniors, where I handed out so many awards for outstanding achievement and effort, followed by a wonderful Christmas showcase performed by our delightful Year 1 and 2 pupils. Thank you to Miss Scoones, Mrs Adams and Mr Pendrous for supporting the children in their performances.

The final mock GCSE paper will be sat on Monday – the last of many exams which our Year 11 pupils have sat these last couple of weeks. I want to commend them all for their positive attitude and maturity. They really are the best role models we could wish for, and we salute them all.

I would like to close by mentioning a cherished member of our team, Lynda Knowles, our school catering manager. Lynda has been serving meals here for no less than twenty years today! We celebrated this extraordinary milestone in assembly today, as we presented Lynda with many cards from the children. Thank you, Lynda, not only for the thousands of meals you and your dedicated team have prepared for us over many years, but also for your absolute dedication to respecting and being mindful of our children’s individual needs relating to food allergies, faiths and practices. You really do know our children well!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


A J Hammond

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Y1/2 visit to our local natural oasis
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Carol Service – December 2021
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