Head’s blog –20th January

This week at Hall School Wimbledon
15th January 2023
Head’s blog –27th January
23rd March 2023
This week at Hall School Wimbledon
15th January 2023
Head’s blog –27th January
23rd March 2023

Head’s blog –20th January

It has been our GCSE Taster week this week, a period when our Year 9 students have had the chance to find out more about the curriculum and accompanying educational activities and trips that are offered in each subject in Year 10 and 11, as they work towards achieving their GCSE qualifications. Our teachers have been ‘selling their subjects’ to a most discerning audience. In addition to the sample lessons that have been delivered in class, we have also had a successful GCSE information assembly this week.

I am sure that our Year 9s may think that Year 11 seems light years away. As we all know, it comes around so very quickly! But, at the same time, here at the Hall we want our students to know that they have time to find their motivations and discover who they are before they have to decide what they shall be. Many will have portfolio careers that span different fields and skill-sets. Others may find what they love early in life and get paid to do it forever.

What matters most is maintaining that all-important self-worth, upon which self-discipline is predicated. As Henry Ford famously said, ‘Whether you think you can, or think you can’t, you’re right.’ (So you might as well think that you can).

Have a good weekend everyone.


A J Hammond