Head’s blog – 26th March
19th April 2024
Head’s blog – 26th April
26th April 2024Head’s blog – 19th April

Well, we’re back, and what a start it has been. There has truly been a buzz around the campus this week, an air of fellowship and camaraderie. A good school is built on relationships, not only between staff and pupils, but between the children themselves. I am delighted to say that our brilliant HSW students have been so charming all week and my colleagues and I have been so very pleased to see them.
Perhaps the two are not unconnected; every child needs to feel that their teachers are pleased to see them, and we have been.
Gathering in the playground on Thursday for our whole-school photograph revealed to me how much our school has grown this past year, not only in number (even the photographer commented on how bigger we seemed) but also in the collective pride we display. Standing, looking at the assembled staff and pupils, I detected a tangible pride along the rows. The photographer told me how super impressed he had been at everyone’s calm and mature behaviour. We completed the photograph in record time – no easy task, I assure you – and that is due to our students’ willingness to follow instructions, work together and put on a good show. I am so proud of them all!
And finally, a special shout out to Arran in Year 7. He has been growing his hair out as long as we’ve known him and returned to school with it almost all cut off. He has donated his hair to The Little Princess Trust, a charity creating wigs for children with cancer. What a thoughtful young man.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.