Head’s blog – 19th April
19th April 2024
Head’s blog – 3rd May
10th May 2024Head’s blog – 26th April

Lessons in riding, roping and stable management? Just some of the educational experiences of our juniors in a typical week at HSW! I am very proud of the new opportunities we are constantly finding for our adventurous students to wrap their
hands around. Our Year 8 students have been exploring what happens to various liquids when they are heated up and boiled. As I always say, learning does not only come from a textbook!
And our older students have been off engaging in camping expeditions for their Duke of Edinburgh Award. Such activities not only build stamina and resourcefulness; they develop invaluable teamwork skills too, building friendships for life, I’m sure.
Talking of stamina, I must make special mention of our superstars, Mrs Blees and Mr Spoerer this week, who recently completed the London Marathon and the Brighton Marathon between them. This demonstrates such commitment and great role
modelling to our students. Not only did they complete these epic races, they raised a considerable amount of money for their respective charities too. We are all very proud of them.
Have a good weekend all.