Nugget- the school pet
26th April 2021Year 7 One Hundred Helps- Captain Tom 100 Challenge
7th May 2021Captain Tom 100 Challenge
This week, our pupils and teachers across different year groups have taken on a number of challenges after being inspired by Sir Captain Tom Moore.
These are just a few examples:
Create the number 100 on the playground
100 meter race in athletics
Grow 100 seeds
Skip 100 times
Toss a dice
Factors of 100
Domino Fall creating the 100 number
Read 100 pages of a book
Drawing with 100 strokes
100 laps
100 claps
Hug a tree 100 times
Bounce a ball 100 times
Toss a ball 100 times
More ongoing activities...this weekend
Year 7s have been challenged to raise some funds for the Captain Tom Foundation. In form time earlier this week it was agreed they would each undertake 4 helpful tasks over the Bank Holiday Weekend and ideally raise a minimum of £1 for each good deed.
Chatsworth Group activities
b. Create a 100 word story - again, open to all, bring your entries in handwritten or printed out on Tuesday 4th and again we will offer prizes
c. We are asking all children to spend 100 minutes doing jobs/ helping their family and friends… we ask you to sponsor them for their time and for them to bring the money into school on Tuesday 4th.
You can help us either by making a donation directly in support of your child/ children or school through this link https://captaintom100.
Thank you.