Head’s blog – 3rd May

Head’s blog – 26th April
26th April 2024
Head’s blog – 10th May
10th May 2024
Head’s blog – 26th April
26th April 2024
Head’s blog – 10th May
10th May 2024

Head’s blog – 3rd May

Every week I am inspired by the sheer variety of learning activities that are offered at HSW. This week is no exception. When you read the pages that follow, you will see so many different experiences, all edifying and all memorable. They demonstrate our firm commitment at The Hall to view – and value – the whole child in front of us and
the myriad ways we can be talented. From lectures on ‘What makes our personality?’ with Mr Fielder, ‘Celebrating Earth Day’ with Ms Burrows and ‘Planning your career’ with Mr Hughes, to a residential Netball Tour led by Ms Ofori,
exploring pitch and sound with Ms Bochenski and learning how to sew with Miss Smith. A fundamental part of our job here is to provide opportunities beyond the academic curriculum for our students to discover new talents they never knew they
had. And we will not stop doing this.

Despite the rain, Mr Dockery deftly demonstrated his BBQ skills once again today, at our annual Year 11 farewell party. We know we shall see them all again many times in the coming weeks – the finishing line is a little way off yet! – but as we enter the formal examinations period it is only right that we salute our Year 11 students for all the hard work they have done whilst studying for their GCSEs, and all the hard work they are still putting into their revision! A milestone has almost been reached and we salute every single one of them, not only for their diligence and self-discipline, but for their fellowship and good humour too. We could not ask for better role models.

May I wish you a very pleasant Bank Holiday weekend together, whatever the weather chucks at us.