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Year 9 GCSE Options Evening
At Oberon
Girls U13 Football
@ SE21 7AL vs JAGS, 2.30pm start
Matilda Crew Workshops
Workshops to practice front of house skills and back stage roles.
Boys U12 Rugby Union
Away @ Raynes Park High School, 2pm start
A session for years 9-11 on Relationships and Sex Education
Matilda the Musical Rehearsal
At Wimbledon High School
Matilda the Musical Shows
at Wimbledon High School
Year 9 and 10 GCSE Drama Trip
Current GCSE students in Year 10 as well as year 9s planning on taking Drama GCSE will be travelling to the West End to watch 'People, […]
Chatsworth Music Festival Final
Held at Oberon, HSW will be hosting finalists from all Chatsworth Schools.
Drama/MT Showcase
Held at Oberon
KS3 Introductory Meeting
History Speaker visiting
A Holocaust descendant will be coming to speak to year 9 and up.