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Year 7 Taster Day
Day of taster lessons for prospective new year 7s.
Year 8 and Year 13 History Trip
Trip to the Mary Rose
Year 8 Parents Evening
Times TBC
Year 9 & 10 GCSE Drama Trip
Going to see the Stranger Things West End show matinee performance.
GCSE Options Taster Day – Y9
The taster day will give students a hands-on insight into what it is like to study each subject at GCSE level.
GCSE Options Evening for Year 9s
At Oberon
Year 9 Parents Evening
Times TBC
GCSE Options Deadline Day
For Year 9 students
Boys Workshop
Years 7+
Year 7 Parents Evening
Times TBC
DofE Bronze Practice Expedition
At Oberon fields.
Year 8 Parents Evening
Times TBC
DofE Bronze Assessment Expedition
At Surrey Hills.
Year 9 Parents Evening
Times TBC
Years 7, 8 and GCSE Drama Year 10 Theatre Trip
Going to see My Neighbour Totoro in the West End - matinee