Year 11 Drama trip- evening
Year 11 Drama trip- evening
U12/13 Hockey v Harrodian (A) 4.10pm
U12/13 Hockey v Harrodian (A) 4.10pm
Concert in The Grove 5pm
Concert in The Grove 5pm
9C Options Evening 5:30pm
9C Options Evening 5:30pm
Component 1, Performing: 28th February 2020 Component 2, Composing: 28th February 2020
Component 1, Performing: 28th February 2020 Component 2, Composing: 28th February 2020
Year 9 First Aid Training 13.30 – 16.30 in the gym
Year 9 First Aid Training 13.30 - 16.30 in the gym
U14 Hockey v Radnor House (A) 4pm
U14 Hockey v Radnor House (A) 4pm
HSW Open Day
HSW Open Day
U16/15 Rugby v Kingswood (H) 3.30pm
U16/15 Rugby v Kingswood (H) 3.30pm
U14 Rugby v Kingswood (H) 3.30pm
U14 Rugby v Kingswood (H) 3.30pm
U13/12 Rugby v Hill House (H) 2.40pm
U13/12 Rugby v Hill House (H) 2.40pm
Yr 5-6 @ TD for CS, Art, Music and Sport
Yr 5-6 @ TD for CS, Art, Music and Sport
Concert in The Grove 5pm
Concert in The Grove 5pm
Year 8 off timetable – drama rehearsal
Year 8 off timetable - drama rehearsal
Year 8 performance to Years 6 & 7 (dress rehearsal)3.00 – 5.00pm
Year 8 performance to Years 6 & 7 (dress rehearsal)3.00 - 5.00pm
Term ends
Term ends
Term ends on Friday 27th March at 1.30pm
Term ends on Friday 27th March at 1.30pm End of Spring Term
Term starts
Term starts
Yr11 Leavers BBQ
Yr11 Leavers BBQ
Art Gcse
Art Gcse
Yr7 & Yr8 Swanage Field Trip
Yr7 & Yr8 Swanage Field Trip
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze
Half Term
Half Term
Exam Week (Yr 7 – 10)
Exam Week (Yr 7 - 10)
Yr 8-10 start
Yr 8-10 start
Yr 7 start
Yr 7 start