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Chatsworth Music Festival Final
Held at Oberon, HSW will be hosting finalists from all Chatsworth Schools.
Drama/MT Showcase
Held at Oberon
KS5 Introductory Meeting
KS3 Introductory Meeting
KS4 Introductory Meeting
Berlin Trip Parents Information Meeting
In the Library at HSW
Year 11 Parents Evening
Times TBC
GCSE Drama Trip
Going to see Hadestown in the West End
History Speaker visiting
A Holocaust descendant will be coming to speak to year 9 and up.
Year 7 Taster Day
Day of taster lessons for prospective new year 7s.
KS5 Parents Evening
Times TBC
Year 7 Taster Day
Day of taster lessons for prospective new year 7s.
Year 8 and Year 13 History Trip
Trip to the Mary Rose
Year 8 Parents Evening
Times TBC
Year 9 & 10 GCSE Drama Trip
Going to see the Stranger Things West End show matinee performance.