Welcome to Hall School Wimbledon

A warm welcome to Hall School Wimbledon, a dynamic and vibrant place of learning occupying a magical campus in the heart of Wimbledon. 

Here at HSW, we are very proud to be a non-selective school, precisely because we know that innate ability comes in many forms, extending far beyond the narrow metric of academic assessment. We don’t just ask ‘How smart are you?’, rather we pose the question, ‘How are you smart?’ Our cherished pupils make up a lively community of budding scientists, artists, dancers, authors, carers, musicians and athletes, all sharing a spirit of adventure and a thirst for knowledge. We work hard to enable every one of us to find our ‘element’ and to feel valued for who we are and the unique contribution we bring to the school. Many pupils will discover talents at HSW which they never knew they had, such is the privilege and pleasure of working here. 

There is a buzz about the place, and so there should be; we believe that school should be a place where joyful memories are made and lifelong friendships are forged. We are united in our resolve to champion the deep-down-things that make learning and living together worthwhile. Our pupils’ jerseys bear the letters HSW, a daily reminder that for any of us to flourish and become the best version of ourselves, first we must look after our Health and Self-Worth. We constantly view the ‘whole child’ in front of us because we know that from self-worth comes self-discipline, which ultimately enables us all to reach our full potential. 

Our school is small enough to act as a family in which we all know each other well, and we notice when we have our ups and our downs. Our culture, woven into the fabric of our school and influencing our daily interactions, is built on strong foundations of love and mutual respect. Our pastoral care is supremely important to us and our dedicated staff see the health and self-worth of their pupils as integral to their future success.   

To achieve our goal of enabling outstanding futures for every one of our pupils, we work hard to deliver a broad and ambitious curriculum, tailored to the individual talents and tendencies of our pupils. Intellectual curiosity is championed here, alongside creativity, digital literacy and global citizenship. We are an inclusive school fashioned for the future, guided by traditional values.

We benefit greatly from the support and friendship of the Chatsworth Schools group – a family of like-minded schools who share our vision for enabling outstanding futures by nurturing and promoting the learning and welfare of every child in our care. 

We invite you to browse this website and see all the great things happening here every day. You will see images of smiling faces and action-packed lessons; but to truly experience the buzz of being here, we encourage you to pay us a visit, where you will receive the warmest of welcomes from us all.


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020 8394 6144            admissions@hsw.co.uk