Carnaval de Mardi Gras

Carnaval de Mardi Gras

A large touch of French culture was evident in the Junior School on Tuesday 5th March as the Junior School celebrated “Mardi-Gras et Carnaval”.

On that occasion, all children were invited to come to school dressed up as a character from their favourite film/animation or as a sport person and to celebrate “Carnaval” and as tradition dictated to eat pancakes for lunch!


At lunch everyone ate tasty crèpes which had been made at home by the Prep children. It was an absolute “festin”! Savoury crèpes  (ham and cheese) and sweet ones (sugar, lemon and jam) were devoured. 

In the afternoon, the children got together in the Hall to celebrate Carnaval! There was a Zumba demonstration by the Zumba club led by Miss Hogwood. 

The Prep children entertained the assembly with the most remarkable acts which showed their abilities in all different sports – badminton, basketball, football, martial arts, boxing, rugby, gymnastics and dance. 

For the finale there was the “battle of the dance” – children against teachers – which got the whole assembly to stand up and dance! It was truly a fun day. Mme Bouriah would like to thank all parents for their endless support. Un grand merci!

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